At Crown Jewelry, we believe that understanding what our customers want for products, services and information is an important part of building an interesting and useful online environment.

We’ve designed our site with this belief in mind, and we’ve created this privacy statement so that you have easy access to information about our privacy practices.

Information we collect online

In a couple areas of our site, we ask you to provide information by filling out and submitting an online form.

We do not share, sell or trade any information collected with other companies. We do not contribute to or participate in shared or cooperative databases, which give other companies access to your personal information. We do not release credit card or financial information for use by other companies. For privacy purposes, all information relating to our customers is stored safely and securely.

Information we do not collect

When you visit our site, we do not collect your name, email address or any other personal information unless you provide it to us.

How we use your information

We do not sell or share your personal information with other companies.

If you subscribe to our newsletter, we will use your email address to send our newsletter to notify you of sales and products we think might be of interest. Unsubscribe instructions are included in all email messages.